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One piece of hardware equipment we used was a camcorder from school as this was the easiest way of getting hold of a camera. The cameras were very high in quality; HD 1080p. However sometimes the camera would come out of focus and become really blury which caused us problems. The camera included a strap to it so we were able to have footage that could be seen as handheld and moving about freely. This worked as it is very common in our genre to have handheld footage. Most of the videos I see, the camera is always moving constantly around the band playing with a handheld style to it. This made our footage seem more realistic for our music video and was more eye catching to the viewer than still shots. We felt a tripod was useful but we rarely needed it as we told the camerman to roam around the room in a handheld style to get close up shots of all the band members. 

We decided to use lighting equipent to get make some interesting visuals such as singers  face could be half dark, half light. 

It also allowed to create this silhouette effect with an example below. Silhouette is common in indie rock music videos as they are eye-catching visuals which will appeal to the audience. 

We never encountered any real problems and as you can see form the examples the lighting was very effective. 

The lighting equipment was very heavy so it would be a struggle to take the lighting outside of school so it was very

convenient that would could film our live performance in the school's drama studio. 

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